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Monday, June 05, 2006

June in Tennessee

Well, quite a bit has occurred since last post. Then again we really haven't done that much. Loretta continues to improve slowly. However we didn't make the Dayton Hamvention. A day or so before our planned departure, I got very ill. A trip to doctor indicated that it was probably a bug that was going around. However we felt it best that we didn't go, and the trip might have been pretty much for Loretta anyway.

What with the High Dosage of Prednisone, Loretta has put on some more weight again, but she is only about 10# over her normal. She went to doctor Friday and they took blood and urine samples. We were told that the results would be available today, and had planned on leaving tomorrow for a few weeks in New York State before next appointment. However results may not be in till tomorrow afternoon. Unless he wants to see her again right away, we will leave probably on Wednesday.

They had made her next appointment in mid-August, but that didn't agree with what the doctor had indicated. So I think we will have to be back in mid-July for that. It sure is nice to have a place to park here with family that isn't too far from the doctor. At least she is feeling much more like she should than she has in several months.

We have puttered around here some and visited surrounding towns some. Loretta's son Dave is very active in Southern Cruisers Motorcycle Club and we went to start of one of their chairity rides. Last week they had a pool party at their house which was very good as temperatures have been getting into the upper 90's. Much cooler and nicer today. Saturday we attended a birthday party for one of Loretta's great-grandsons - had a good time there visiting with parents and grandparents. Sharon (Loretta's daughter) had been having trouble connecting, staying connected and getting decent speed on her computer. I checked the line with one of our computers and decided she needed a new modem.

We got that Saturday and I installed it for her. Found it was conflicting with the video card, and had a bit of manipulation to do before things worked properly. When my computer bombed, I had a 40GB hard drive that didn't seem to want to work. But I checked it out in her comnputer and it works fine, so she has a 40GB backup drive. Also my DVD burner had acted up so I installed one of the dual-layer 8GB burners. I found the old one also worked fine in her computer so replaced one of the CD drives with that. Checking things out now and all seems to work OK.

I did BOMB my backup drive, so lost some data and all of my email address book. I had backups on DVD on most data but did have to reinstall a lot of software. Still have a few things to go. I have also pretty much rebuilt my address book from old records. But if you haven't gotten an address request from me recently, please email me so I can get you back in the book.

Guess I had better get outside as the weather is great and I have been working in the flower garden. We have been having so many rainstorms that it has been slow work.

Till next time.
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta


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