Our RV Travels

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Tuesday October 19

Not sure when I posted on Sunday. But after the church service here. Loretta and I went for a ride in the area and located a very nice and economical small restaurant for dinner. Then after some shopping, it was back here till the Vespers Service in the evening followed by the usual Joker games.

Yesterday was mostly meetings here. I attended several and hosted the 5th Wheel segment of the Bull Session. Our friend Gary Wheeler from Mor/Ryde was here with his excellent display. He had to leave before the Bull Session finished. It is always great to see him. We had supper including perhaps the best Catfish I have ever had at Captain Bud's before returning for the evening program. Entertainment was an excellent singer named Johnnie Sue with her small band. There were presentations announcing future Rendezvous' and as usual we played Joker a while

Today after the coffee hour, we rode in the carpool to the Tennessee Aquarium and IMAX Theater. Rain had started during the night and continued all day. So we were delayed both directions by accidents of which there were many today. Fortuantely our group travelled safely. The day was very entertaining and educational, and we had a great lunch at a nearby Microbrewery. I obtained a wheel chair for Loretta in the aquarium as she wasn't up to the hours of walking. However all that sitting wasn't too good either as this evening after that and quite a bit of time playing Joker, her leg is swollen some. Of course missing 2 weeks of therapy isn't good, but with the help of exercises she is slowly improving.


  • At 12:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Sounds like we're missing a good one, Say hi to everyone for us and tell them we'll see them in NM.



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