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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hospital Stay about over

Haven't reported lately as there hasn't been much exciting. Loretta took longer with her therapy than she had hoped for, but has done well. Also the incision is healing very well too.

I have been coming into the hospital about every other day to visit and keep her company. She hasn't had a lot of visitors, But daughter Sharon and her husband Bill (who works in this hospital) have visited quite a bit. Also her grandson Shawn and his wife (they also work here) and 2 of their children have stopped by as well as daughter-in-law Kathy and her family. Also her sister and brother-in-law have visited a couple of times. So I guess she didn't need me every day. On the off days, I have been doing some tasks around our trailer in preparation for her return.

When I arrived today, one of the nurses told me that Loretta would be going home tomorrow. The Social Worker came by in the afternoon and told her that she could go home tomorrow or Thursday and Loretta opted for Thursday. Probably to get another day of Physical Therapy even though she is anxious to get into our own home.

So, unless something unexpected comes up I will be taking her home day after tomorrow. So I will have to do some shopping to get necessary items in for living in our RV.

Otherwise not a lot to report.

Exercise every day - Walk with the LORD
Andy and Loretta


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