Our RV Travels

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Follow up

Our last post was from Loretta's daughters where we picked up mail and had supper and nice visit.  However it had turned dark by the time we were ready to leave.  Due to the congestion in the drive, I opted to back out onto the road.  But some limbs hanging over the drive confused me and I backed off the right side of the drive striking a large fence post.  When I pulled away, the lower rear panel on the truck bed was pulled loose.  As it was dark, I couldn't evaluate the damage but it appeared that it wouldn't be any problem driving to Chapel Hill.  The next morning I looked and it appeared that repairs might be extensive.  So I reported it to insurance company.  They got back to me later when we were in Lewisburg for our shopping trip.  A body shop there was recommended so I went there for estimate.  

I was informed that repairs would be less than the deductible.  So Monday I left truck there after a rental was arranged with Enterprise.  Tuesday, I received call that I could pick the truck up so returned the rental to Columbia and was delivered to Lewisburg.  They had only made temporary repairs which cost well under $100.00 but from a short distance one cannot even see the damage.  Final repairs will be made when we get back in the spring when hopefully our finances will be better able to pay for it.  The LORD sure looks out for us as I expected to have to come up with the whole repair at this time.

We have started our autumn doctor routines.  Loretta has had a few appointments and Friday I went to the Vanderbilt Clinic at 100 Oaks for pre-op in preparation for bladder biopsy next month.  So far, everything is looking good.  Again on the way Friday another miracle happened.  We stopped at the Transfer Station with some trash.  Upon leaving, we saw steam coming from the hood.  I opened it to find a pin hole in the water line to the air compressor spraying water.  We were only about a mile from the Service shop in Chapel Hill.  So we returned and had the damaged hose replaced.  Had we been farther along our way, a tow truck would have had to be summoned and I would have missed my appointment.  Thank the LORD again, he sure rides with us.
Mostly the weather has been great with summer-like days last week.  This week has been cooler and yesterday didn't get out of the 40's.  We did have a light freeze both last week and last night.  So I did disconnect the water hose just in case.  It looks as if I will get a few more green tomatoes even though the vines have been killed as the weather is supposed to warm up a bit.  

Today was our 2nd visit to Rays Chapel new facility.  It is much better than the old church and the congregation has increased a lot.  Still not many youngsters attending, hopefully that will change.  And of course we have been doing our weekly shopping trips, a bit of visiting and tending to the usual tasks around the place in addition to lunches at the Chapel Hill Senior Center.  I use the exercise room there and we enjoy visiting.
I guess that gets us up to date again

 Truck before repair
 View from our window
 Truck after temporary repair

GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta


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