Our RV Travels

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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Tuesday November 9

Well, one thing that has been nice here lately has been the weather. Beautiful fall days, but the trees are getting pretty well bare. Nights have been chilly, but only one morning with frost. So we are enjoying that.

A lovely day for church Sunday then in the evening we took Bill and Sharon (Loretta's daughter) to one of our favorite Chinese restaurants in Lawrenceburg for dinner. The instrument panel in our truck has been acting up off and on. It is a complex electronic device and I have tried several things such as cleaning connectors, adding a ground wire and checking for poor solder joints. Each time it work well for a while then quit. So last week, I ordered a new module. It arrived yesterday and it took me about an hour to move all the instruments, bezels and lamps into the new module. I should have done it on the counter in the trailer instead of the bed of the truck as my back is now letting me know the error of my ways. But it seems to be working now. Of course only time will tell, HI.

Sharon had to visit her doctor regarding her knee replacement today near Nashville. So Loretta rode along with her. I took the truck for a test drive and stopped at Walls Lumber in Campbellsville for some supplies. They informed me that dinner was being served at the convienence store nearby. It was meatloaf (which I love), black eyed peas and corn for $3.5o. So I stoppped by and found it was more than I could eat and included a large piece of cake also. The whole thing including a large glass of ice tea totaled $4.68 including tax. Couldn't beat tht with a club.
When I went out, I saw the farrier was shoeing the horses at Dave's (Loretta's son next door). So on the return trip, I stopped to find he was on vacation so had a nice visit. He is doing some black powder deer hunting, but hasn't connected yet. Had an opportunity but the gun misfired and another time saw a large buck but the buck saw him first. Sure he will be getting someting soon. Then when I got home, I decided to put the ice pack on my aching back which helped some. But won't be surprised if a trip to the chiropractor isn't in the offing.
Take care YA"ALL hear.
Andy and Loretta


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