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Saturday, December 15, 2012

About ready to head south

We have been quite busy here in Tennessee.  We had 3 Thanksgiving celebrations.  First was at church on the 18th, followed by Thanksgiving day at Loretta's daughter in laws.  Then following Sunday at Loretta's daughters place.  What with visiting, shopping and doctors.  Fortunately the doctor reports were good.  BUT, I ended up in hospital 3 times.  On Sunday the 2nd as I was eating lunch,  I suddenly couldn't swallow.  As I was experiencing a lot of pain including chest, Loretta worried about my heart.  As we were only a few miles from the Shelbyville hospital, I drove there.  They began the routine for heart attack.  I was kept overnight for observation followed by a Stress Test on Monday.  Decision was that I had a heart and it was OK, but pain and pressure lasted till then.  

Apparently the problem was obstruction of my esophagus.  So Saturday, I went to Maury Regional Hospital in Columbia and had that dilated.  That left me with a sore throat and difficulty swallowing for several days.  Also when getting my hearing test, the doctor observed a scale on the top of my right ear.  That had been there for years, but this time he wanted to check for Cancer.  Thursday I spent most of day back in the hospital tor a brief procedure - waiting.  Tuesday I return to doctor to have stitches removed.  Apparently no Cancer,, and he should have final pathology report then.  We expect that we will be heading south shortly thereafter.  Plans are to visit Loretta's son Steve and family in Macon, GA on way to Florida for Christmas and stay.

As usual we have been eating most lunches at the Senior Center.  Not only economical, but this does get Loretta out to move around and visit.  I have taken advantage of the exercise room there and the pool table.  I have also used the WiFi connection as the one here is very limited in usage and not very good.  Right now I am using my cell phone which is reliable but limited in usage.  I worked several days on the Senior Center float for the Christmas Parade and both of us participated in that.  We had a very attractive float, but it was a nighttime parade and something happened that the lights went out.  

I guess that catches up to now
GOD Bless
Merry CHRISTmas
Happy New Year

Andy and Loretta


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