Our RV Travels

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Back in New York

We were held up in getting away from Tennessee.  I had biopsies done on Sun spots on face and one turned out to be Cancerous - not Melanoma.  So surgery on that and delay for follow up and remove stitches.   Then my brother called to tell me that due to other commitments we would be unable to go there till later in June.  As I have appointment to have Bladder scoped which I had moved to Jamestown.  I certainly didn't want to miss that as it had been postponed already.

The trip was uneventful except HOT.  The weather in TN was very uncertain and when it did clear off on Saturday, I got secured, hooked up and on the road by mid afternoon.  So we only moved about 100 miles the first day but next 2 days had good mileage.

My left hip went out without me while hooking up so the trip was rather painful.  It is still a bit sore but not too bad.  So setup has been done in bits and pieces - almost complete now.  I have been walking when weather permits which does loosen it up.  No walk this evening as it has been raining off and on for past 24 hours and now very hare.   Been enjoying visits with our hosts Tom and Kathy too.  

Loretta is still about the same, not getting around much.  She spends most of her time in bed reading, watching TV and sleeping.  As it doesn't do any good to push her, I pretty much allow her to set her owe pace.  But I sure wish we could do more.

Guess that gets us up to date.
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta
RVLoretta @gmail.com
http://RVTravel.blogspot.com     To catch up anything you may have missed.

PS:  Friday forenoon - Snow flurries here on the hilltop.  Some very large flakes, but with Temp almost 40 degrees, only appearing in the air.  


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