Our RV Travels

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Disturbing news

As I  mentioned before, surgery was scheduled for 15 January.  Dr. Chang cut some and lasered some.  He then sent samples to pathology lab.  Apparently he wasn't too happy with what he saw.  I had to see him again last Thursday in his Vanderbilt Nashville office.  Loretta's daughter Sharon drove us both time but would have been able to driven myself the last. time.  Parking would have been a challenge with the size of our truck.  

There he gave me the word that my bladder, part of ureter and perhaps prostate would have to be removed.  I had certainly hoped to be able to keep my bladder, but guess not.  As of now the surgery (7-10 hours) will be scheduled on 4 March.  Several appointments will be required in preparation.  Also a week stay in hospital afterwards.  This will be a hardship on Loretta as she doesn't drive anymore.  

She had a mammogram last Monday and last evening got the word that they want to do follow up on that too.  She will have that done next Wednesday.

Winter has been the worst in several decades here.  We have only seen a few light flurries of snow.  But some days (and nights) have been COLD.  Two nights have been down close to Zero.  Several days have not gotten up to freezing.  Really not bad compared to the north, but it feels colder here than up there.  Had hoped to spend a few months in Florida, but with everything happening, guess we will winter here.  We had sunny and pretty days except for the Nasty Cold winds.

Had trouble starting truck 3 mornings.  Our truck garage sent out road service each time - an expense that we didn't need, HI.  I did take it in to shop where new batteries and fuel controller was installed.  Total cost close to $2000.00.  Just what we needed in addition to all of the extra propane and electric needed to keep warm.  As of yesterday, propane cost about the same here - about $3.00/gal, but some areas have gone up to as much as $5.00/gal.  

We haven't been doing a lot of travelling - shopping, doctors, church, dining out some, but not much visiting.

Other than that not a lot to report.  Keep us in your prayers.

GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta
RVLoretta @gmail.com


  • At 8:29 PM , Anonymous kim said...

    Just try to be patient grampa. Its a long road. But you got this :)


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