Our RV Travels

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Loretta improving greatly

Well, the news is mostly very good. Loretta is back down to just a couple of pounds more than when she started having problems. She is feeling much better and getting around a lot more. The swelling in her lower legs wasn't going down as rapidly as hoped for, so she went to our family doctor last week. He indicated that he was happy with her progress but that the protein in the urine was still high. He did put her on Lasix to help reduce the fluid in her legs and that seems to be working. Surprised that she is still losing weight as the Prednisone has sure given her an appetite.

In fact, she is feeling so good that we are planning on driving to Dayton, OH on Wednesday. There we will assist Roger Webster of Webster Communications at the Dayton Hamvention (Ham Radio convention). Just a few days ago she wouldn't feel up to it and a couple of weeks ago such a trip would have been out of the question.

I have puttered around on a few PM things that need done around the rig. Also have helped Bill (Loretta's son-in-law) some. I drove him to Nashville one day, helped load a horse and ram to take to the veterinarian, helped load and take some lambs to the cattle market and haul and unload feed.

His sister is their live-in housekeeper. She has recently had cancer surgery and is coming along well. She still has some more treatments to go through. But she does substitute teaching at Richland High School and has gone back to work there. Also she has been walking regularly and I have been accompanied her most evenings. We usually do a few miles and the other night we walked almost 6.5 miles. I sure need the exercise so the walks do me as much good as her.

Otherwise, not much to report here. Every one else is doing well. Loretta's son lives about a half mile away and last evening we were invited there for supper. Then this morning they invited us to breakfast with their daughters and grandchildren that live here at a local eatery before we went to church.

That is it for now.
Andy and Loretta