Our RV Travels

Updates on our Full-Time RV'ing lifestyle. Feel free to add your comments, replies and stories of your own.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not what I wanted to hear.

As scheduled, I went to Maury Regional Hospital in Columbia, TN last Wednesday for surgery on my bladder. I had been scheduled for 3PM, but I looked at the clock when I slid onto the operating table at 1:37. I suspect that the procedure took over 10 minutes as I came to in Recovery at about 3PM, hurting some. I was moved to my room some time later and didn't really feel too bad. My throat was dry and sore from a tube being inserted during surgery. So I was constantly drinking water, juice and eating ice cream. That and 2 large meals resulted in gaining about 4# which I have since gotten rid of. Thursday morning the surgeon came in and said I could go home, so after the catheter was removed and I got stabilized, Loretta's brother-in-law came to pick us up. He had taken us to the hospital and Loretta had spent the night in my room.

I have been feeling well, except some pain which seems to be getting less. Good thing as the medication prescribed to reduce burning is now gone.

This afternoon the doctor called with the Pathology Report. It WASN'T what I wanted to hear. He had felt that the spot wasn't malignant and even if it was there should be no problem removing all. BUT, it was malignant and more aggressive than expected. He suggested a 2nd opinion as he is not sure that it has spread outside the bladder wall. He will set up an appointment with an Oncologist at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville. Thursday I am supposed to pick up the slides to take with me when I go for that.

I know that I have little control over what happens except to Think Positive. However, everything is in the LORD'S control and lean on him for healing and strength. HOWEVER, Prayers are certainly appreciated.

On another matter, Diane Payne (Loretta's daughter's sister-in-law) starts her Chemotherapy tomorrow so keep her in your prayers too. Loretta seems to be feeling better, so hope the new medication is helping her. But she still is somewhat unstable and sleeps a lot. So please keep her in your Prayers also.

Thank you and
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta

Saturday, November 07, 2009

More discouraging news

Loretta went to see the Rheumatoligist this week. He confirmed the primary physicians suspicion of Connective Tissue Disorder. This includes a multitude of items including Rheumatoid Arthritis. This entails taking another medication and watching for side effects. Also he confirmed that she has Diabetes so monitoring of Blood Sugar, watching diet and exercise is prescribed. Also hearing tests revealed additional hearing loss since last spring, so a medication change was in order for that. She goes back Monday about her hearing aids and I expect they will reprogram them also.

The primary physician wanted me to see the Urologist while we are here also. So I have been to him 2 times and had some tests done. Thursday he scoped my bladder and discovered a small spot. Wednesday I go in for surgery to remove that and it will be tested for cancer. He said that the operation will only take about 10 minutes, but wants me to stay overnight in the hospital. He also said that the spot was small enough that it would be completely removed and should cause no future problems even if it turns out to be cancerous. Thank the Lord for that.

Other than running to doctors, we have been shopping and eating out quite a bit. We have been going to the Senior Center in Chapel Hill for lunch most days. Where else can one eat an excellent lunch for $1.25? Loretta's brother in law is coming along very well on his new house, and I have assisted him some there. Also have accompanied him on shopping trips for items needed to do the work there.

Loretta's daughters sister in law Diane had a return bout with Cancer and had surgery last week. We are at Sharon and Bills farm right now and Diane Payne just returned home today. She still has chemotherapy to look forward too. So please keep her in your prayers. Also prayers for Loretta are appreciated as she still is not herself and not really feeling too well.

We usually head for Florida shortly after Thanksgiving. However we both have follow up doctor visits early in December, so until after them we will not know when we will be getting back on the road.

Thank you and GOD Bess
Andy and Loretta