Our RV Travels

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Loads to catch up on

Well, a lot of time has passed since last post and a lot has happened.

As planned we got on the road on the 14th of June after church. We spent 2 nights on the road on our way to Frewsburg, NY. On Tuesday as we neared out destination, we received word Loretta's sister had passed away the previous day. This was expected, so we proceeded to our usual parking space when here in Western New York. Unfortunatley, there have been more wet than dry days and many more chilly than warm days. In fact on the 4th I had to wear a jacket for my walk and the furnace is running now. But it is nice to visit friends and family here.

On the 18th, I got the new computer set up and running and spent next few days getting files and programs transferred. Then on the 21st it lost audio, I spent many hours on the phone and online with HP Support before one tech finally agreed with me that it was a hardware problem. So I was talked into an exchange. The replacement would be higher priced but I was promised that I would receive a rebate for the difference in addition to credit for the defective computer. For some reason this order was declined and had to be reinstated, but I was promised the same terms. At that time I was also informet that I had to ship the return that day instead of waiting for new computer to arrive so I would have shipping carton. I was able to obtain a carton from a local computer store and delivered it to FedEx.

The replacement arrived on the 8th, and I now have all data files and most programs transferred and running. I did get another delay when my wireless adapter would not work and had to be replaced. Several days ago, my account revealed that the credit for the return had been received. BUT as of now I have not received the rebate for the difference that had been promised. I am quite unhappy with HP at this time as the whole problem started when I purchased a HP scanner/printer. This printed fine, but scan function didn't work and I was talked into a HP computer. We had owned many HP products over the years and even sold them when we owned VHF Communications with satisfaction. However, this may be my last!!

Enough on the computer problems. We arrived here in time to attend the graduation of Loretta's great-grandaughter Cassie which was very nice. We have also attended the Class of 51 dinner and the Teamsters Retirees picnic. We have also vistied several friends and family in the area as well as some of our favorite dining establishments. Our friends Glenn and Sue from Arcadia stopped by for several days and we had a nice visit. We took a trip to Bradford, Pa where we toured the Zippo Lighter/Case Knife Museum which was very interesting. And we stopped in Salamanca, NY to visit the Railroad Museum there. Small but interesting and the curator who was a retired engineer was very imformative.

We do plan a trip to the DC area early next month. Loretta's sister is to be interred at Arlington National Cemetary on the 10th and Loretta has a follow up appointment with the surgeon that operated on her last year on the 6tlh. We will be enjoying our vist there with Al and Chris Anderson ( formerly from Jamestown, NY and ham radio friends of many years. They used to assist us with VHF Communications).

In addition to the death of Loretta's sister, we received several pieces of bad news. I have childhood friends here in the Jones family. Last Tuesday, I was told that Laura Lee has been placed in a skilled nursing facility with cancer and a brain tumor. The next day her sister-in-law Joy passed away after a very long illness. Then we received word that our good friend Cal Doud of Homosassa, FL where we always stay was seriously injured in an auto accident and is now in Tampa General Hospital.

So with everything that has happened, I sure have gotten behind on everything. Also I was unable to transfer my email address book so am slowly rebuilding that.

GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta