About time for another update.
Loretta and I at Chapman family reunion
Well, not a lot of excitement here since last time. The weather has been up and down. Some frosty mornings, some cold days, some rainy and gloomy days, some warm ones even once into the 70's. Today is overcast but clearing and calling for a warm week after 2 more gloomy days.
The parts for the parking brake came in to RP Williams, so that has now been repaired - over $400 more. Things last a long time on the truck, but repairs and maintenance is expensive. But it did just pass 200,000 miles.
My BCG treatments for Bladder Cancer had been going well until last week. That was supposed to be the last one, but infection was back. Today I go in for the last one hopefully.
Flowers are in bloom and loads of birds gather around our feeder. Loretta really enjoys watching them. I have also planted some more flowers.
The cold weather had broken the water pipe where we usually hook up our trailer. I had been able to fill the tank from a hydrant at Cliff's house. When the weather broke he and I repaired the pipe, however I discovered that it was still leaking underground. So we are filling the tank then shutting the supply off at the meter. Plans are to put a hydrant near where we park when the ground dries up enough. The clay soil here is almost impossible to work in when wet.
We have been doing some visiting and daughter Sharon had a birthday party for Loretta with about 25 family and friends in attendance. Also her grandson Rick and family came in from Richmond last week. We had a nice but short visit with them also. Otherwise trips have been doctors, shopping and eating out. We usually have lunch at the Senior Center in Chapel Hill. Have made quite a few friends there and where else can one get a nice lunch for $1.25? Some travels viewing the surrounding area also.
We will be here for some time more before moving north due to doctor appointments. Also Loretta's grandson Scott is getting married the 1st of May.
Otherwise not much to report.
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta
RVLoretta @gmail.com