Now in NY
Loretta had 4 more tests and got clear report from doctor. So we left Chapel Hill, TN on Friday, 30 August. As Loretta had her last test that morning and we had arranged to get mail on way, we got a late start so ended up in rush hour traffic going through Nashville. However we didn't really experience any real delay (Unusual for Nashville). We stopped at a small quiet truck stop near Cave City, KY where we spent the night. Saturday we drove to near Salem, OH for supper at Dutch Heritage Restaurant (one of our favorites). They have a truck parking area in the rear where we had parked and spent the night. Sunday we continued on to near Frewsburg, NY making a fuel stop in addition to usual meal stops.
We arrived here at about 2PM and received assistance getting parked and set up in our usual site at W2DRZ QTH. And then were invited to supper and visit with them. I contacted the Jamestown Urology Clinic and arranged a visit on last Friday to set up my BCG treatments. The Urologist that I see, Dr. Jung was very friendly and helpful visiting with us for quite a while which was unexpected. I had my first treatment Wednesday and have another scheduled the next 2 Wednesdays. Really not much to the treatment, but I do have to head right home where I must stay for the next 6 hours. He also set an appointment for follow up visit on 4 October. Our Travelcade Club friends are having a Rally in Amana, IA which we had hoped to attend. But that starts on the 5th, so will have to pass. I hope that they can get the club restarted and keep in touch that we may get together with them again in the near future. Also the Escapees RV Club Escapade is in Goshen, IN but that started today. At one times the thoughts had been to leave here and do both on our return to Tennessee. But NOT to happen.
We did attend Loretta's family reunion on the Sunday before Labor day where a good time and great visit was had with nearly 100 in attendance. Unfortunately the weather didn't really co-operate and washed out the Golf Tournament on Saturday. It was also very breezy and chilly on Sunday. But many of us were able to eat inside the building at the Motorcycle Club. Also a tarp cut down the wind for those dining in the pavilion. The weather did improve later in the day so we retired to the Pavilion for visits, business meeting and auction.
We went out for dinner with a group of friends last Friday evening and have met for lunch with a rather conservative group on Thursdays. I have assisted Tom with a few computer projects which has kept me occupied. Also my brother is putting his Park Model in Homestead Park nearby up for sale so I helped prepare Sale Posters for him. I would grab that myself if wanting something in the area as he has a give away price on it. My sister in Randolph has also gotten a laptop computer. So last Sunday after church we went there and I helped get rid of some unwanted software and install others to handle email and her business records.
Other than that, it has been mostly shopping trips and a small amount of visiting. We have many friends and family that we hope to see while here. However as we have to be back in Tennessee the last part of October, we probably won't see them all. Weather has left a bit to be desired and some PM jobs are on hold right now.
Guess that is about it for now.
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta