Our RV Travels

Updates on our Full-Time RV'ing lifestyle. Feel free to add your comments, replies and stories of your own.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Now near Arcadia, FL

 View from our trailer at Platka Moose Club next to airport.

What we were leaving in Tennessee!!

Now near Arcadia, FL      

Well, we sure have been busy since last post.  We finally were able to get on the road the 18th of January.  We overnighted near Reseca, GA and when I did my check in the morning, I found diesel fuel leaking somewhere.  There was a truck repair shop across the street, so I called them.  But was informed that it would be late in the day before they could get to me.  So I opted to continue to Macon, GA arriving in the afternoon.  After getting parked and set up at the Shrine Club Campground, we went to visit Loretta's son Steve and family.  The fuel leak appeared to be somewhat worse and we checked there to find the line to drain water from the fuel filter was the source.

The next day, I took the truck to a nearby Mack Truck and Ford Truck dealership, making a wrong turn and driving about 10 extra miles with fuel leak getting worse all the time.  After inspection, the problem appeared to be the valve used to drain the water.  Apparently freezing had cracked that, an new valve was ordered.  As this was Friday, I was told to expect it in on Monday afternoon.  They did plug the drain line for a temporary repair that hopefully would last the weekend.  It did so we were able to run some errands, shop and dine with Steve and family.  We also went to church with them on Sunday.

Monday afternoon, I called Nextran Truck Service only to find that the part received was not the one ordered.  Next afternoon, I was promised.  So Tuesday forenoon, I dumped the waste tanks and filled the water tank, as I had contacted the Moose Club in Palatka, FL and been informed to arrive with full water tank.  Tuesday afternoon, phone call to Nextran where I was told that the part was on the truck, but it hadn't arrived.  Wednesday afternoon I received a call the the part was in the Service Manager's hand.  I said we would be right over as they were only 4 miles away.  We waited a short while in the Drivers Lounge, then the Service Manager came in with the repair order to tell us we were ready to go. He said "Look at the bottom line", which I did to find it said NO CHARGE!  There was a notification that they accepted full responsibility due to the delay.  He said he even tried to get money to reimburse our campground fees but that was denied.  

So we headed back to the Shrine Club to hook up, pay for extra days and get underway.  We only traveled about 100 miles that day, stopping at a Cracker Barrel in Tipton, GA where after supper spent the night.  Next morning we moved to the Moose Lodge in Palatka, FL.  This is a very nice club with excellent food.  While there, we shopped, had a blood test done for Loretta and visited friends in nearby Satsuma.  One reason for staying there was to visit Loretta's family and relatives in Daytona Beach.  We weren't able to make that visit till Saturday.  We drove there in the forenoon and had a good visit with Loretta's son-in-law, 2 grandsons, one great-grandaugther, a niece and her family.  We also visited daughter Cheryl's grave site.  Then in the evening, we went to Ormond by the Sea, where we had supper at Alfie's Restaurant.  They also have a restaurant in Lakewood, NY and we have known the family for many years.  The friends from Satsuma met us there and we had a nice farewell visit.

Sunday, we secured, hooked up and left donation for camping at the Moose Lodge.  Then we headed south arriving at our friends Glen and Sue at about 5PM.  Neighbor Lee helped us park and get set up. After a short visit, we went out for supper at a Chinese Buffet.  Plans were to dine at BullZ Eye BBQ, but they close early on Sundays.  Loretta and I have tried that out since to find it very good.  Monday was attend to a few chores around the rig and some shopping.  Tuesday we went to Port Charlotte for an appointment with a Urologist there regarding scheduled BCG treatments to follow up on Bladder Cancer.  Then to Englewood to visit a dear friend and former vendor when we had VHF Communications.  Thursday, another trip to Port Charlotte for the first of 3 treatments.  This required return home for rest of the day.  

Friday Glen and Sue invited them to join them for fish dinner at the Eagles Club.  The fish there was excellent and is about as close as one can find in the south to the excellent fish dinners in the Jamestown, NY area.  I had talked with Glen about damage to the floor of the large slide out.  Yesterday morning I moved the couch, cleared the area and removed carpet.  Then Glen came and looked at the area.  He had located a piece of 3/4" plywood large enough for the repair.  So we removed the damaged material and installed the new wood which turned out to be quite a job.  I needed 2 bolts to complete repair which I got today and installed one.  Also caulked the joint between the new wood and the rest of the floor.  Still have one bolt to put in and adjust the slide out as it is now binding.  Something to look forward to, HI

So we will be here at least a few weeks for my treatments.  As good weather is expected, I can tend to a few more outside jobs on our rig.  Also some Ham Radio operation is possible here.  Of course the weather this morning left a bit to be desired with 38 degree temperature.  That is supposed to change now though.  

Guess that catches up on happenings over the past month.
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta