I certainly wish to express heartfelt thanks to all who prayed, and expressed condolences, all the Facebook posts and comments, emails and cards at this time. They did help me very much. I only wish the memorial could have been delayed till we could have gotten there.
May has NOT been a good month so far. The expected delivery date on the cooling unit for our fridge passed. More calls got promise of Saturday delivery. Then my oldest son was killed in an auto accident on Friday 11 May. As I expected the cooling unit, next day and had appoint with Cancer doctor on Monday, I could not head to NY to be with his family. His wife was very understanding, BUT my sister was NOT. I prayed that the cooling unit would arrive Saturday and then we could head to NY.
Saturday, the cooling unit didn't arrive, so I protested to PayPal as it had been paid for on 2 April. Monday I called RV Icebox (I DO NOT RECCOMEND THEM) again, and was told to look for it that day. GOOD news though, examination revealed NO Bladder Cancer. He does want to look again in the fall after 3 more treatments. Then next day my truck was in the shop most of the day for a fuel leak. I got home to find it leaking yet, so a new fuel pump is on order.
Apparently my protest got some results. Tuesday I received a call that a unit was ready to ship as soon as I cleared the protest. This time I was supplied a tracking number and Thursday delivery. I informed them that the delay had bothered me less than being lied to about delivery.
A memorial for my son was scheduled for the 19th, and I said now I wouldn't be able to attend due to the delays which hurt me very much. The new cooling unit arrived late Thursday and I opened the box to find the frame bent and foil damaged. I probably should have sent it back and requested another. But wanting to be able to head north, I opted to straighten it best I could and make do. Also it was very inconvenient to have to go to the RV next door every time we needed to get or put items in the fridge there. Also as I had disconnected the propane, we expected to be without cooking range or furnace for 1 day.
NOT, Friday was spent removing the old cooling unit. I had been told that the job should take 3-4 hours. Cliff and I spent over 4 hours getting it loosened and out. Not only a lot of parts to take off, but it was really tight. We did check fit on new one and found quite a bit of foam would have to be removed. That turned to be a long job of trim, then check. Saturday was a very SAD day. But we worked on getting foam to fit into the enclosure. Also found due to bent frame 2 large clamps needed to get frame holes lined up. I applied the thermal mastic and set it in place before dark. Then we had a wicked storm. Everything was under the awning which I had to secure due to the winds.
Sunday before church, I discovered that the insulation in the chimney had gotten soaked so set that out to dry in the sun. After church I started to put inside screws in to find some too short. I sure hope that doesn't mean there will not be good contact between cooling surfaces. Longer screws allowed me to secure the cooling surfaces. I was not able to complete assembly till the insulation dried. Yesterday, it became apparent that this would take forever. So I stopped at several places trying to locate insulation that would take the high heat. Finally was told that oven insulation in ranges was an off the shelf item, I bought a piece. Sure hope that works. The rest of day was spent getting every thing assembled and secured.
As it was getting late and appeared to be more weather on way, I secured tools and covered things up. Today I plan to see if there is any way I can do a test run outside before installing the fridge in the compartment and securing it. Now I pray that the rest goes OK. A 3-4 hour job turned out to be 4 days.
All for now
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta