Our RV Travels

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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Loretta has been home a while


Well, over another month has passed.  Loretta was supposed to return home on 3 June.  However a paperwork glitch kept her in the nursing home till the 9th.  She has a helper coming in, usually 6 days a week for 5 hours.  There has been a few times that she didn't get one or limited time.  But we have managed.

She also has had a home nurse checking on her a couple of times each week and a physical therapist 3 times a week.  The nurse said she is no longer considered home-bound (as if she had been, HI), so her services ended today.  The therapist said she did very well yesterday also.  He was supposed to come today, but haven't heard from him yet.  I expect his services to be terminated, but it is hard for me to get her to exercise.  

We have gone out to eat several days.  She also had one doctor appointment.  She also wasn't impressed with the new minister at church, so last week we tried another.  She likes this one.  

I did do one driving job last week.  It was a dealer trade to Warner Robbins, GA - over 13 hours.  But paid by mile and do get some expense money.

Sometimes she is very demanding and requires quite a bit of assistance when helper isn't here.  BUT I manage OK. Saturday there was supposed to be a party here in campground.  But due to weather and other things, it did not occur, Hot Dogs were brought here.  We understood that the party would be on Sunday.  Loretta was looking forward to that and in the afternoon walked with walker to the pavilion (about a hundred yards, which is best she has done lately.  As no one was coming, the food was cancelled which upset Loretta.  We did visit a while then watched the fireworks display.  It was dark by then, so I borrowed and electric cart for her to use to return home.  

Other than that, not much to report.

GOD Bless
Andy  W2UCZ4@gmail.com
Loretta RVLoretta @gmail.com