Happy New Year
As last July, not a lot happening here in Mid Tennessee. I have done a few driving jobs but only one in past few months. Also RV moving has died down for winter. I did ride with an RV'er to Cedar Key, FL. He furnished meals, place to sleep and airfare back to Nashville. A bit of a challenge on that trip. I had left my wallet behind and a bit of a holdup at TSA in Tampa. I had no identification with me, even a prescription bottle. However, I found my business license in my bag which was accepted. Then unable to get a drink on plane without charge card or coupon, but lady across isle gave me a coupon. I also needed to purchase some clothing at the airport, but Mark had given me cash to pay caregiver for Loretta and some for me which was a Godsend.
We did go to Loretta's grandson near Murfreesboro for Thanksgiving with her family. Bill Payne, Loretta's son-in-law had died a short while before which dampened spirits. We also went to her granddaughter's for Christmas. I guess that makes 3 Christmas celebrations. One was at our church and another at the Presbyterian Church where we meet with a group most Wednesdays for visit, devotions and bingo. We did attend 2 weddings, Bill and Sharon's youngest daughter and Kevin Paynes daughter. I would have liked to attended the final rally of the North American RV Club, but with Loretta's health and RV needing work were unable to do that. She does have anew great-great granddaughter on the way, in addition to one last summer. That will make at least 4, and another great granddaughter was born this summer too.
We had a very dry summer and fall with a drought here. But with the coming of winter have been getting quite a bit of rain. So far snow only once and that was while I was in Florida. And only a few nights below freezing. I guess daytimes which had been high are now seasonal.
Other than that, not much changed here. Doctor visits, shopping, some eating out and walks in the local area.
Everyone have a Blessed and Happy new Year,
As I mentioned before , I lost my email address list. And I had to replace my computer which lost it again. So if you want on the list email me.
Andy and Loretta