Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
I expect that everyone believes that I had forgotten about this site entirely. Well, I pretty well did.
Really haven't had a lot to report on since last year. Our RV travels have been NONE. Loretta's physical condition has kept us tied down. She has been taken to ER several times by ambulance with a couple of times that she stayed in hospital a short time. Usually dehydration has been the main problem. Last time we sent her to nearby ER, but after tests, she was sent to Maury Regional as she had lost a lot of blood. They gave her 2 units and she perked up. It was determined that she was probably bleeding in her stomach. So no more Warfarin for a while and another medication that could cause stomach irritation was removed. She has been quite alert and not sleeping as much since.
Driving jobs have been slow this year also. I have moved a few RV's, but mostly fairly short distances. So mostly staying close to home. I haven't walked as much as usual either as weather wasn't very cooperative. I did some maintenance work on the rig where outside work was limited by weather. We had some very hot periods and wet periods.
Another challenge has been the caregivers for Loretta. There has been someone here every day, but quite late on arrival which keeps me close. We have been getting to church usually and the bingo sessions at the Presbyterian Church most times. Also have been eating out some. These helps get Loretta moving around rather than just sitting here.
She had received a session of Physical Therapy here and is now scheduled for another short session. This is helpful as she doesn't move around enough. Since last trip to hospital, she has been mostly eating and drinking well which is encouraging. I have been doing very well as usual though.
I guess that is all I can offer at this time though.
Everyone have a very Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year. And GOD Bless you
Andy and Loretta