About to leave Ohio
Friday it was back to Hara Arena early to fine tune the setup before the opening of the Ham Radio Convention. We were moderately busy, but I did sit a lot (which is unusual for me) due to the fact I had little sleep the night before. After cleaning up at the hotel 4 of us went to the Officer's Club at Wright Patterson AFB for a delicious supper and quiet visit.
Saturday was a bit busier at the Hamvention. I had slept somewhat better, but still somewhat dragged out. I have been experiencing some after effects of my radiation therapy and SEED implants. So I do not get a lot of rest between trips to the bathroom. After the day's activities, we again went to the Officer's Club. However this time there were 11 of us in 3 cars. Dinner was delicious again and although the Club was a bit nosier than last evening we had a great time.
Sunday was another day at Hara Arena, but the Hamvention exhibit area closed at 1PM. We then packed the inventory and loaded Roger's truck. We finished at about 5PM, I was pretty tired and not sure that we might spend another night in Dayton. We went to Joe's Crab Shack for a great seafood supper. By the time we finished I felt rested and opted to return to our "home" near Dunkirk, OH, about a hundred miles away. By the time we arrived, I was pretty sure that I had not made the best decision, but we did safely complete the trip and were soon in bed. Even though it was tiring, it was great to visit with many friends at the Hamfest including many previous customers of VHF Communications (our now closed Ham Radio store).
The past 3 days have been spent resting, dining out, and visiting with Ron and Louise. I also made some preparations for our move tomorrow.
Guess that gets us up to date. Please register your comments or email them to W2UCZ@arrl.net
Thank you
Andy and Loretta