Our RV Travels

Updates on our Full-Time RV'ing lifestyle. Feel free to add your comments, replies and stories of your own.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Minature WHITE HOUSE at Truman Museum in Independence, MO

Well, the weather turned chilly here with several nights in the 20's. Sure increases the propane usage and it is quite a trip to Texas T Campground at I-65 near Cornersville. But it is as close as Pulaski and both the price and service are better. Yesterday it rained off and on all day which we needed. So we made a trip in a drizzle. We also had to use a longer trip as they are reinforcing the creek bank along the road with large rocks and had the road blocked where we would ordinarily go.

Have been also puttering around with various little tasks around the place. We went to our doctor last week for our annual checkup. Got the results saying all was well. So except for Loretta's monogram on the 1st, we are now ready to head for Florida for my follow-up with the cancer doctors there.

Loretta's daughter Sharon is coming along very well, but they plan on keeping the Thanksgiving dinner low-key this year. So rather than a full fledged meal with about 25 or so in attendance, the meal will be lighter and family and friends can come and go as desired. This is advantageous as some have to work and may stop by as their schedule permits.

We will be going to Pulaski tomorrow for some last minute shopping and to get the permanent crowns in my mouth. At least I haven't lost any more fillings or broken any temporary crowns lately.

Guess that is about it for now except to wish you a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta

PS: Dentist called this morning and rescheduled my appointment as he is visiting family in Pennsylvania for the holiday.

Friday, November 11, 2005

November 12 - another week

At Lincoln Museum, Springfield, IL

Well, the temperature sure warmed up for most of the week. Three days were almost 90 degrees, really too warm for this late in the season. We also got some much needed rain a couple of nights ago. Still need a lot more. It was accompanied with heavy winds so the shade trees that we were parked under are now bare trees! This morning had frost in the meadow again, but it turned out to be a beautiful day.

Tuesday I went to the dentist in Pulaski. Loretta had me drop her off at Wal-Mart. My appointment was for 1100, and I arrived early. But I think it was closer to noon by the time I got into the chair then had to wait almost an hour for the doctor. He said I had broken off part of the tooth so a filling would not hold and did preparation for a crown. While I was waiting to become numb (I usually am a bit anyway), I went and got Loretta so she could wait under more comfortable conditions. It took quite a while to grind off the enamel and prepare a temporary crown, so I imagine I was there about 4 hours.

Then when eating tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich for supper, another filling (very large one) came out. So Wednesday another trip to Pulaski. I got right in to find another crown was in the offing. This tooth was much harder to work on and I was in the chair about 3.5 hours. He had to use 7 shots of the numbing stuff before he finished. I will get both crowns the day before Thanksgiving.

Yesterday we went to Columbia where I had an appointment with a surgeon. He set me up for both a Lower GI (colonoscopy) and Upper GI for next week. Really looking forward to that, HI - even though they will put me to sleep. Also was having trouble with my right hip which I thought was result of so much time in dentist chair. So I stopped by my chiropractor and found I could get in after lunch. He said my back was out of kilter and adjusted it. The hip and leg sure feels a lot better now.

BUT, would you believe it, last night at supper the temporary crown that was installed on Tuesday broke into several pieces. I had been provided cement to replace it in case it fell out, but afraid putting it back together was out of the question. I called again this morning to find that it will be next week before I can get it replaced. Good thing it isn't very sensitive.

So it seems this week has been running to town. I did give the truck a good wash job, but the trailer needs one too which I have put off. Enough of my CHALLENGES, Sharon(Loretta's daughter) has been progressing slowly in her recovery. Wednesday she went to the doctor and he had her back in the hospital yesterday to have 1.5 quarts of fluid drained from her lung. She is pretty peaked and in a lot of pain now. So keep her in your prayers. Hopefully her recovery will improve now.

It has been lambing time here on the farm, so there are now a bunch of them in the barn. They sure are cute, but glad I don't have to care for them. Had my share of farming as a youth on a dairy farm in Western New York.

Till later
Andy and Loretta

Later: Well, I do have to change the last paragraph. After we came home for the evening, Diane (Bill's sister) came to the door to ask my help. A ewe in an outdoor pen had given birth to twins and she needed help getting them into the barn. When we got there, we found that one of the lambs was dead. Diane picked up the live one, but the ewe wouldn't leave the other one. So she picked that one up also and I helped herd her into the barn even though she wanted to stay near the outside pen. We got her into a pen in the barn with the live lamb then I returned home. So, I guess my farming days aren't completely over. HI.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

November 5

Well we have been treated to beautiful Fall weather since arriving in Tennessee. Most mornings have had frost in the meadow near our trailer, but where we are parked under the trees the temperature is much warmer. Daytime temperatures have been in the 60 and 70's. This morning I woke to temperature over 70 and it topped out at 80 - pretty nice for early November, HI.

We have been unwinding mostly since arriving here and I did a few chores around the trailer that our hectic schedule hadn't allowed. Sharon (Loretta's daughter) is slowly improving now that she is at home. Still a long way to go.

We have been to Columbia and Pulaski for shopping and other errands. Today we went to the park in Pulaski where the "Trail of Tears" motorcycle ride ended. Loretta's son Dave is an active biker so he and his wife Kathy assisted in the festivities. We visited the vendors, had lunch and watched the Indian dances - also listened to the music and chants.

Nest week we start our doctor appointments. First thing will be a trip to the dentist as at Halloween I was chewing on a Tootsie Roll and pulled a filling out. So now a new filling then later we start to do our annual appointments with other doctors. Perhaps Loretta will also do a follow-up with the orthopedic Surgeon. I hope so as she is still having some problems with the left knee after the surgery a year ago.

Not much more to report, so will close for now.

Andy and Loretta