Our RV Travels

Updates on our Full-Time RV'ing lifestyle. Feel free to add your comments, replies and stories of your own.

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Don't Know where to start

Didn't realize it has been this long since an update.
Had good time here in WNY last year.  in addition to visiting family and friends.  I attended Teamsters Retirees Picnic.  Class of 51 annual reunion and Loretta's family reunion.  I assisted Tom, my host with several antenna projects.  A visitor had brought his dog which wrapped his rope around mt legs.  I fell onto a concrete patio injuring my right wrist (that is still bothering me).    So trip to ER to find nothing broken, but tendon damaged.  I was told that it could be repaired but I would be in a cast for months.  Selected a brace on wrist and a month of PT. 

When I left here, I went to Fairfax County, VA to visit old friends Al and Chris Anderson.  On way in Warren, Pa when making a turn a PU with trailer was parked too close to corner.  I watched and felt I had passed OK.  A bit down the road I was flagged over and told awning arm was flapping. He secured it as I couldn't do much with brace on wrist.  Before he finished, the man with trailer pulled up and said I had struck his trailer.  There was a post on rear corner with a light on top that I had been unable to see.  As light was broken, I =gave him some money to repair that.  The awning arm had gone through the sidewall of trailer.

When I got to VA, I contacted insurance company and sent pictures.  $2100.00 damage so I received $1600.00 for repairs.  BUT insurance premium was raised $150/month for next 3 years - (lost there).  After a nice visit with the Andersons, I headed for TN.  I stopped at a truck stop for night and backed into a high curb, damaging ladder and stabilizer jacks.

Stay in TN was usual stuff,  shopping, doctors, church and so forth.  then 1223 Feb 2019 the Duck River came to visit.  This had happened last April, but that time didn't get to bottom of trailer.  This time, I ended up with 1.5' of water in living room.  My electric meter was about 1' under water, but I still had electricity.  My refrigerator and microwave were still working so I could exist.  A few days the fire department evacuated me and I went to daughter Sharon's place near Pulaski for  a few days.

I then stayed with friends from church 2 more days before returning home.  The furnace and water heater was NOT working and one space heater quit.  So stayed at the State Park 2 cold nights.  My truck had been parked in front of trailer and water had gotten into fuel, oil pan and ??.  I decided NOT to see-if it would run.  the insurance company had it taken by wrecker to nearby repair shop.

They totaled the 5th wheel trailer and I expected the same with truck as it was over 20 years old and had over 300,000 miles.  But they authorized almost $14,000.00 repairs.  I was without truck almost 2 months but did have rental car furnished for most.  Then a few weeks later, the parking brake wouldn't release.  It was towed to another shop as I was in Columbia at the time.   It took over a week to locate part and do repair - another $1000+.  To make matters worse, I backed into an obstruction in a rainstorm which required almost $1000 body work.

2 days in the trailer with water up to my knees wasn't too good.  then I had to remove everything from storage compartments.  Lots of bending and lifting,  So I ended up very lame and still am a bit.  Pam, the campground owner and myself then spent loads of time and miles searching for a replacement 5th wheel trailer.  Finally selected one in Manchester, TN that was 2 years newer nd well maintained.  So  I took that to campground and transferred everything left from old trailer.  Then moved it to my site and loaded everything from ground into the compartments on new one. 

By then it was time to get ready for trip to here in NY.   Roads are better than last year, but still had some glass breakage in trailer.  I left TN Wed the 26th in afternoon and drove to KY that day.  Thursday I was making pretty good time  when I ran into a heavy rainstorm south of Columbus, OH.  5 lanes of traffic that did NOT slow, it STOPPED.  I was not able to stop before striking andther vehicle.  By time the deputy let me go, I had lost 2 hours.  Rain had stopped, but spent night north of Columbus.  Friday I came up tot the mountain near Frewsburg, NY.

I got set up and visited and went to church here.  Monday a trip to Warren for shopping.  Tuesday I planned a trip to tire store.  One tire had been loosing air when setting, but hadn't for 3 days..  I went out and looked to find tire was down.  I started truck to build air up and went to find that I would be unable to put air in tire. So I had tire store send road service with new tire.  As they couldn't take me at the shop that day, I went in Wednesday.  I got the 2nd front tire and was going to have wheel alignment.  But found tie rod bent.  Must be that little Honda I hit caused that.  So to International shop to order tie rod and some other parts.  doing various things around here, visiting and graduation party for friend.

Next week I have the Teamsters Retirees Picnic and Class reunion to attend.  also some visiting, church and shopping.  

Guess that catches me up.  Sorry for delay
GOD Bless all
Andy W2UCZ

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Been pretty busy.  I had a few driving jobs after Loretta died and busy getting rig ready to travel.  I did trip to near Wichita, KS and drove to Western, NY near Jamestown in 4 days.  Rough roads beat me and equipment up.  Lost almost everything in bed of truck and did some damage there and in trailer.  So I have been spending a lot of time getting things back together.

On the 10th, Loretta's family had a Celebration of Life.  It was well attended including some of my family and friends.  Monday her ashes were put into the ground.  One grandchild, great granddaughter and myself observed.  Next month there will be a Celebration of Life for my youngest brother Brian.  

I haven't done much visiting, but contacted most of family on phone.  Do plan on visiting as time provides.  Have been shopping, working on rig and visiting with my host here.  Travels cost me Computer monitor, one TV and truck ham radio.  Have replace all, but replacement radio had problems, so it is back to vendor.  

Weather has been variable, some days hot, some rainy and today rather cool with rain. Other wise not much new.

GOD Bless

Friday, February 16, 2018


Not much has happened here so far this year.  I did do a few trailer moves, the last a 44' race car hauler. 

Loretta had NOT had to go to the ER either.  BUT she has been getting slowly weaker.  Our plans were to go to Western NY next month for her birthday.   

Home Health discharged her though as she was not responding to therapy. So I signed her up for Hospice which started about the first of the month so she would have a nurse to check on her 2 times a week.  But by last weekend she had to be lifted into bed, so Hospice furnished a hospital bed which we put in the living room as that is the only space possible in our RV.  She spent the next 3 nights in that and days also as she was very weak.  Wednesday night  she slept very well.  BUT Thursday morning she passed away.  So yesterday and today has been hectic taking care of everything and notifying as many as I can.

I certainly want to thank all that have offered prayers and condolences.

GOD Bless
Not much has happened here so far this year.  I did do a few trailer moves, the last a 44' race car hauler. 

Loretta had NOT had to go to the ER either.  BUT she has been getting slowly weaker.  Our plans were to go to Western NY next month for her birthday.   

Home Health discharged her though as she was not responding to therapy. So I signed her up for Hospice which started about the first of the month so she would have a nurse to check on her 2 times a week.  But by last weekend she had to be lifted into bed, so Hospice furnished a hospital bed which we put in the living room as that is the only space possible in our RV.  She spent the next 3 nights in that and days also as she was very weak.  Wednesday night  she slept very well.  BUT Thursday morning she passed away.  So yesterday and today has been hectic taking care of everything and notifying as many as I can.

I certainly want to thank all that have offered prayers and condolences.

GOD Bless

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New year.

I expect that everyone believes that I had forgotten about this site entirely.  Well, I pretty well did.  

Really haven't had a lot to report on since last year.  Our RV travels  have been NONE.  Loretta's physical condition has kept us tied down.  She has been taken to ER several times by ambulance with a couple of times that she stayed in hospital a short time.  Usually dehydration has been the main problem.  Last time we sent her to nearby ER, but after tests, she was sent to Maury Regional as she had lost a lot of blood.  They gave her 2 units and she perked up.  It was determined that she was probably bleeding in her stomach.  So no more Warfarin for a while and another medication that could cause stomach irritation was removed.  She has been quite alert and not sleeping as much since.

Driving jobs have been slow this year also.  I have moved a few RV's, but mostly fairly short distances.  So mostly staying close to home.  I haven't walked as much as usual either as weather wasn't very cooperative.  I did some maintenance work on the rig where outside work was limited by weather.  We had some very hot periods and wet periods.

Another challenge has been the caregivers for Loretta.  There has been someone here every day, but quite late on arrival which keeps me close.  We have been getting to church usually and the bingo sessions at the Presbyterian Church most times.  Also have been eating out some.  These helps get Loretta moving around rather than just sitting here.  

She had received a session of Physical Therapy here and is now scheduled for another short session.  This is helpful as she doesn't move around enough.  Since last trip to hospital, she has been mostly eating and drinking well which is encouraging.  I have been doing very well as usual though.

I guess that is all I can offer at this time though.

Everyone have a very Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year.  And GOD Bless you

Andy and Loretta

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year

As last July, not a lot happening here in Mid Tennessee.  I have done a few driving jobs but only one in past few months.  Also RV moving has died down for winter.  I did ride with an RV'er to Cedar Key, FL.  He furnished meals, place to sleep and airfare back to Nashville.  A bit of a challenge on that trip.  I had left my wallet behind and a bit of a holdup at TSA in Tampa.  I had no identification with me, even a prescription bottle.  However, I found my business license in my bag which was accepted.  Then unable to get a drink on plane without charge card or coupon, but lady across isle gave me a coupon.  I also needed to purchase some clothing at the airport, but Mark had given me cash to pay caregiver for Loretta and some for me which was a Godsend.

We did go to Loretta's grandson near Murfreesboro for Thanksgiving with her family.  Bill Payne, Loretta's son-in-law had died a short while before which dampened spirits.  We also went to her granddaughter's for Christmas.  I guess that makes 3 Christmas celebrations.  One was at our church and another at the Presbyterian Church where we meet with a group most Wednesdays for visit, devotions and bingo.  We did attend 2 weddings, Bill and Sharon's youngest daughter and Kevin Paynes daughter.  I would have liked to attended the final rally of the North American RV Club, but with Loretta's health and RV needing work were unable to do that.  She does have anew great-great granddaughter on the way, in addition to one last summer.  That will make at least 4, and another great granddaughter was born this summer too.  

We had a very dry summer and fall with a drought here. But with the coming of winter have been getting quite a bit of rain.  So far snow only once and that was while I was in Florida.  And only a few nights below freezing.  I guess daytimes which had been high are now seasonal.

Other than that, not much changed here.  Doctor visits, shopping, some eating out and walks in the local area.

Everyone have a Blessed and Happy new Year,

As I mentioned before , I lost my email address list.  And I had to replace my computer which lost it again.  So if you want on the list email me.

Andy and Loretta

Saturday, July 23, 2016

I guess I have pretty well abandoned this site.  As we are NOT traveling anymore there is not much to offer.  I have been driving some for a local auto dealer, including trips to Austin, TX, western MO and north of Chicago.  I do have to hire caregiver to stay with Loretta on the long trips.  I also have moved several RV's in the local area including picking up one near Indianapolis, IN.

We did make a trip last week to NY.  There we attended the 65th Class Reunion of my graduating class.  We also got to meet and visit with many of Loretta's family before returning to Tennessee.  The trip was pretty hard on Loretta but we did stay in Motels each way, so she is recovering OK.

Other than that, not much to report.  Doctor visits, shopping, some dining out and Church.  The weather here has been very HOT, so not much outside work.  I have done some maintenance jobs on the outside of our rig and truck.  I had been neglecting my walks, but recently started to walk at about 0500 in the morning before Loretta wakes.  I usually walk to the State Park Campground office about a 2 mile trip.  The drivers use the roadways around here for trash dumps, so I pick up trash each way.  Usually see some deer, rabbits and birds along the way too.

Guess that is all that I can offer at this time
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta
RVLoretta @gmail.com

Still trying to get address book back, so send emails.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Long time no news

Sorry to be so late on updating our status here.  I know that I started at least one, but lost them somehow.  Then my computer failed and I had quite a job getting everything running in the new Windows 10 computer.  Some of my old programs will not work.   ALSO LOST MY ADDRESS BOOK.  AM REBUILDING SLOWLY, BUT IF YOU WANT TO BE ON IT, SEND AN EMAIL.  ALSO LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT MY FORWARDS, OR JUST SPECIAL NEWS OR WISH TO BE ON THE PRAYER LIST.

The chiropractor has helped with Loretta's neck and she is still seeing him about once a month.  Otherwise we are about the same, she is still weak and not gaining any weight.  I did get her enrolled at the local Physical Therapy clinic.  So far, only 2 visits, but she does respond well and I hope that will help.  The schedule is 2 visits each week.  We also go to devotions, bingo, lunch and visit at the Presbyterian Church.  We usually attend church also unless Loretta isn't up to it.  As she isn't supposed to be left alone (she took a tumble while I was on a driving job), I cannot attend those weeks either.  Both bingo and church cancelled this week due to weather.

Before the weather got too cold and wet, I did get a lot done outside but missed some.  Thanksgiving was spent at Loretta's grandson's near Murfressboro.  She held up well, most of the family was there and a good time and feed was had.  Christmas was at her granddaughter's south of Pulaski.  That was a very rainy day and when pulling into driveway, got stuck.  I was afraid that a tow truck would be needed, but with some help was able to get back onto the hard drive.  That did dampen spirits some, but we still had a good time and visit.  

Last week, I went to a follow up appointment at Vanderbilt where I got good results.  The weather has been mostly mild with quite a bit of rain.  We did have some frosty mornings, but till this week only a few flakes of snow in the air.  Thursday was rain all day and night, turning into snow at about 1030 on Friday.  Not really a heavy snow which lasted about 24 hours.  Maybe 2-3" but only 1 on the ground.  Barely got above freezing yesterday so still there.  It is 35 now and supposed to get over 40 today so I expect that most will be gone by evening.  Not so in Nashville - about 40 miles north.  They had 8.5" at the airport there.  I haven't moved the truck for 2 days, but need propane.  So this afternoon expect to get that and do some shopping.  
Due to the weather, Loretta's caregivers were not here Friday evening or yesterday.  So I have provided her needs.  I do hope the Sunday caregiver (a Mennonite) arrives today though.  

Guess that is about all.
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta
http:/RVTravel. blogspot.com

Don't know what happened to last post.

Well, I did post last month.  BUT it was just pointed out that it doesn't appear.  Not sure that I cam remember but not too much has happened.  

We did go to Loretta's grandson's near Murfreesboro for Thanksgiving.  Most of family was there and a good time, visit and meal was enjoyed.  

Christmas was spent with a granddaughter  near Pulaski, TN.  It was a very rainy day and I got stuck turning into her drive.  So this dampened spirits some but it was still a very good day.  With help, I was able to get back onto the hard drive before dinner.  

Saturday before Christmas Loretta had an earache.  She went to the local clinic where an antibiotic was prescribed along with medicine to prevent shingles as swelling was into cheek.  (She lost an eye to Shingles many years ago).  the next day she had a sore throat and difficulty breathing.   So we took her to the ER in Columbia.  They ran all kinds of tests and kept her overnight for observation.  No real reason found but some infection.  Doctor prescribed 2 more antibiotics.  Then on 24th, she had bad case do diarrhea.    So to ER in Lewisburg where doctor took her off 2 of the antibiotics.  That pretty well took care of that problem.  But then a couple of weeks ago, she was very weak and unsteady.  We were able to get her into the truck with difficulty but required help getting out at the hospital in Columbia.  They again ran lots of tests and hydrated her and kept her a day for observation.  We were told that they would try to get strength back but she ate very little.  A therapist was supposed to come, but I guess Insurance said NO.  When they discharged her, she needed help to get into wheel chair and into caregiver's car to come home.  We got her into the trailer with difficulty but she was so tired that had to be helped into bed.  I don't think she should have been sent home, but she is getting stronger now.   Caregiver hours have been increased to help also.

Other than that nothing unusual.  Some shopping, light maintenance, doctor, etc.  Weather has been off and on.  Some warm days and a few cold ones.  Only one day with snow and not much then.    We have had some winds and heavy rain but tornadoes bypassed us again.  Lovely sunny day with temps in mid 50's and breezy.  But weather man calling for getting cold and good chance of snow this week.  

We sure miss going south in the winter (and north in summer), but Loretta isn't up to any real travel now.

Guess that will do for now.  
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Updating NOT MUCH

I don't know as this previously posted

Really not much to add from here in Central Tennessee.  The Bone and Joint doctor prescribed a 1 week  Prednisone routine for Loretta.  That didn't help the neck pain much.  So last week we started a series with a Chiropractor.  She has had 3 sessions so far and seems to be much better.  Will have a final one on Tuesday.

She now has 2 Caregivers coming in each day except Sunday.  One from 8 till 1 then another from 5-7.  Another comes in from 5-7 to prepare supper and get her ready for bed.  Sundays only one in afternoon from 3-8.  They are both very helpful and relieves a lot of strain for me.  I do try to get her out each day.  She doesn't want to exercise or walk here.  So that does require a bit of both.  We usually stop at a restaurant, or Wal-Mart.  She eats better at a restaurant than here for some reason.  She has lost a lot of weight so it makes me happy to see her eat.  

I am feeling very well and doing quite a bit of work around the trailer.  I have been neglecting my daily walks. I really should do therm, but weather and insects haven't been cooperative.  We had a very HOT spell with high humidity and several rainy periods.  Our Air Conditioner quit on abut the hottest day of the year (naturally).  That has hurt our finances this month as it cost about $800 to replace that.  $400+ a while back also has kept us a bit strapped financially.  But hopefully things will be improving on that front.

We haven't traveled any real distance from the campground.  Mostly shopping, dining and doctor visits.  Some of Loretta's family have stopped by from time to time.  I have been driving for a local Chevy dealer.  Only 3 trips of any distance, but quite a few local ones.  That gives me a break in the daily routine and helps the budget a bit.  

Other than that, nothing to report really.

GOD Bless
Andy W2UCZ@yahoo.com
Loretta RVLoretta @gmail.com

Just an update

Really not anything new here.  Loretta has 2 caregivers now.  One comes in for 5 hours 6 mornings a week.  The other comes in Sunday afternoons for 5 hours and 2 hours 5 evenings a week.  Saturday evening is shared by the 2 of them.  I tend to her Sunday mornings.  This sure takes a lot of strain off of me, but it doesn't allow us to do much.  I do get her out almost every afternoon for short ride and lunch, this gets her to walk a bit and get in and out of truck at least 2 times.   She also goes to church with me most Sundays.

I have been doing a fair amount of driving for a nearby auto dealer.  Mostly 2-3 hour trips, but have made several of up to 13 hours.  This I could not do without the Caregivers being here and sometimes devoting extra time.  This sure gives me a break and helps some financially also.  

We recently discussed going to Florida for a month, but Loretta says she isn't up to the trip.  So I guess we will be spending another winter in Tennessee.  Hope it is better than last one.  I still haven't had the funds to repair the minor damage from going down the bank last winter.  

As usual, we have had some doctor visits which all came out OK.  My follow up on Cataract surgery was good.  Loretta has been having recurring neck pain.  A trip to bone and joint Clinic didn't provide much relief.  So she has been seeing our Chiropractor for past 2 months.  She gets relief from those visits but that only lasts a few weeks.  

As far as I know that is about all I can add to previous posts.

GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta
RVLoretta @gmail.com

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Not a lot new here

Don't have much to report.  Loretta does have a regular Caretaker coming in 6 days a week.  She helps with Loretta's daily tasks.  Also meals, laundry and some housekeeping.  Does take a strain off me.  

Don't think there has been any doctor visits since last post either.  However she has neck pain past 3 days, so will go to Mid Tennessee Bone and Joint tomorrow.  

The weekly Bingo session and lunch at the Presbyterian Church has resumed, so we are doing that.  Also some shopping and dining trips so I get her out almost every day.  She has walked in the campground a few times but not too far.  It has really been too hot here to do much outside and I have even neglected my walking sessions.  I have done some cleaning and maintenance on outside of trailer as weather permits.

This week not too hot, but has been raining for several days, HI.  

We did change church to Zion's Hill UMC.  It is just a bit closer to here than Ray's Chapel was.  Also easier for Loretta to get into and she likes it better.  We have still been going to Ray's Chapel on 2nd Saturday for Pancake breakfast - GOOD.

We had hoped to go to Western NY again this year.  Loretta wanted to see her new great granddaughter, spent time with  great granddaughter born last year, and attend her grandson's wedding.  However, she decides she wasn't up to the trip.  Too bad as this will be the first time she has missed her family reunion whic will be Sunday before Labor Day.  But we sill have to do the best we can.  

At least she is able to get up and around every day.  PRAISE THE LORD.

GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta

As I said - NOT much news here.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Loretta has been home a while


Well, over another month has passed.  Loretta was supposed to return home on 3 June.  However a paperwork glitch kept her in the nursing home till the 9th.  She has a helper coming in, usually 6 days a week for 5 hours.  There has been a few times that she didn't get one or limited time.  But we have managed.

She also has had a home nurse checking on her a couple of times each week and a physical therapist 3 times a week.  The nurse said she is no longer considered home-bound (as if she had been, HI), so her services ended today.  The therapist said she did very well yesterday also.  He was supposed to come today, but haven't heard from him yet.  I expect his services to be terminated, but it is hard for me to get her to exercise.  

We have gone out to eat several days.  She also had one doctor appointment.  She also wasn't impressed with the new minister at church, so last week we tried another.  She likes this one.  

I did do one driving job last week.  It was a dealer trade to Warner Robbins, GA - over 13 hours.  But paid by mile and do get some expense money.

Sometimes she is very demanding and requires quite a bit of assistance when helper isn't here.  BUT I manage OK. Saturday there was supposed to be a party here in campground.  But due to weather and other things, it did not occur, Hot Dogs were brought here.  We understood that the party would be on Sunday.  Loretta was looking forward to that and in the afternoon walked with walker to the pavilion (about a hundred yards, which is best she has done lately.  As no one was coming, the food was cancelled which upset Loretta.  We did visit a while then watched the fireworks display.  It was dark by then, so I borrowed and electric cart for her to use to return home.  

Other than that, not much to report.

GOD Bless
Andy  W2UCZ4@gmail.com
Loretta RVLoretta @gmail.com

Friday, May 22, 2015

Latest news or lack thereof

Not much new here as I have been going to visit Loretta in the nursing home 6 days a week.  Sundays I have been going to church, then shopping, getting propane and fuel for truck.  I take it easy rest of day and tend to things around here.

She has progressed fairly well with therapy.  But Medicare discontinued on the 17th.  As I was to have cataract surgery this week she was asked to stay till the first of June.  She does get maintenance therapy and I have helped her walk several times.  Some days she does very well and others not so good.  Sure hope she can handle coming home well - but time will tell.  She sure wants to go to NY this summer as I do, but will have to wait and see.

I did take a break this last week, leaving on Thursday for the Dayton, OH Hamvention.  I rented a car for the trip and left truck in the shop for service and some repairs.  I understand repairs were more than expected, but haven't seen bill yet. Yesterday I had the cataract surgery on my right eye.  And except a bit blurry (from drops?) it is doing very well.  I did follow up to have patch removed and surgery checked in the afternoon so visited and walked with Loretta in between.  Then home to take it easy rest of day.

Otherwise all well with me and looking forward to Loretta coming home.  I am sure that will make more work for me here, but will eliminate the travel every day.  Of course it will cost more to eat when she gets out, HI.  

I imagine Loretta would like cards:
Her address is:
Margaret Chapman
Rm 241
Life Care Center of Columbia
841 West James Campbell Blvd
Columbia, TN 38401
She also has Cell Phone #716-460-2584, but hearing isn't too well.
GOD Bless all and thanks for thoughts and prayers
Andy and Loretta

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Too much has been happening.

Sorry that I am so late with update.  Loretta had been keeping me busy looking after her.  Then she hadn't been drinking enough water and about 17 Feb stopped eating much. On the 19th she wouldn't come to table for breakfast.  I told her that she would need as I didn't want to serve breakfast in bed.  She had been spending too much there.  Later in the day she decided to get up.  I helped her up but she could NOT stand and ending sitting on step by bed.

She had been under care of Home Health nurse.  So I called her and was told to take her to doctor or ER.  I said that in her condition I couldn't take her anywhere and called EMT's.  She was taken to Maury Regional Hospital in Columbia, TN.  She spent 5 days there getting treated for UTI.  One day in ICU as her blood pressure was too low.  When she was released from the hospital, she was taken by ambulance to Life Care of Columbia for rehab.  

She has been there a month and is getting some strength back but very slowly.  Also some difficulty with dementia.  She gets depressed and wants to come home.  However last Friday I was told that if she were to come home then she would need 24 hour observation.  That I cannot provide and keep up with every thing else that I need to do.  I do go to visit almost every day and usually have lunch with her in the dining room with another couple.

Her son-in-law Bill Payne was also hospitalized and ended up in Life Care for rehab, so he has joined us for lunch at times and I think supper with Loretta.  He is supposed to return home today.  They play Bingo 3 days a week and I go with her to assist and observe.  Also there is ice cream afterwards, HI.  

Yesterday she had her hair done in the on site beauty parlor and her nails done.  Looks a lot better and I am sure she feels better too.  She has one foot hurting so has seen doctors about that.  I have to go to doctors with her also.  

In addition to the almost 50 mile trips there, I try to keep things up here, do laundry ( she uses a lot of clothes there) and when weather permits walk a mile or so.  

I imagine Loretta would like cards:
Her address is:
Margaret Chapman
Rm 241
Life Care Center of Columbia
841 West James Campbell Blvd
Columbia, TN 38401

She also has Cell Phone #716-460-2584, but hearing isn't too well.

GOD Bless all and thanks for thoughts and prayers
Andy and Loretta

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Time really flies

Time has gotten away from me.  Also I have limited bandwidth on my Verizon internet connection.  That may be a thing of the past as I upped from 5GB to 8GB.  

The trip to NY for my brothers funeral was a bit too much for Loretta.  750 miles each way which I did in one day each.  At any rate, on 18 Dec, I had an appointment at Vanderbilt.  I came home to find Loretta on kitchen floor.  She hadn't gotten hurt, but needed help getting up.  Then that night she stumbled while returning to bed from bathroom hurting her back.  I strained mine helping her up.  Chiropractor helped mine, but she finally went to doctor about hers. He had X-Rays done which revealed no breakage but lots of Arthritis.  A follow up trip to Mid Tennessee Bone and Joint confirmed that.  Fortunately, the pain is now gone.  She had been on Vesi-Care which may have caused instability. 

A follow up to Urologist resulted in a medicine change which seemed to help but NOT much with Bladder control.  The doctor finally arranged for Maury Home Health to tend to her.  A PT technician has been coming 3 times a week and she has improved quite a bit in strength and stability.  BUT still has a long way to go and he will not be coming any more.  She also has had an Aide coming to assist her 3 days a week.  I had expected that Friday would be her last day also.  However a 2 weeks ago a nurse had inserted a catheter to prevent bed sores.  It was in for a week then she caught the pouch and pulled it out.  I called a nurse and she said to try without it.  However it soon appeared that she would require it again.  So Friday the nurse inserted a new one.  The Aide says that she will be able to come as Loretta is under nurse care.  GOOD, that takes a load off my mind.  I have been keeping busy preparing meals, doing dishes and housework and laundry. 

I have being well myself, some knee pain but not that bad.  Loretta has hardly left the trailer except for doctor visits since mid December.  However last evening her daughter and son-in-law came by for visit.  They took us to Logan's Roadhouse in Spring Hill and treated us to supper.  ALSO enough leftovers for supper this evening.  

We had planned on going to Florida before Christmas, however as of now don't think we will make Florida this winter.  Not even sure that we will be able to go to NY this summer.  I told Loretta she would have to get around better before we can travel.  She wants to visit her son in Georgia also which would be nice.

She had been having difficulty getting into our RV.  I had the campground owner purchase lumber and hired one of the tenants to build a small landing with stairs and side rails to get in and out.  Last evening was the first time she had tried them out and it does help and she likes them - GOOD.

We managed to overload a 30Amp electric service and burn that and my plug up.  There was a 50Amp site across the drive.  It had been occupied by a Motor home from Alabama.  The lady was returning to Alabama, so I drove it to her home there.  Wasn't sure that the trip would be successful as it quit on the Interstate.  She arranged for road service to come out but before they arrived, it started and ran the rest of the way OK.  So the next day was spent securing, moving across the drive and setting up again.  Don't like site quite as well, but better power and Cell Phone service.

Guess that is it for now.
GOD Bless all
Andy and Loretta
W2 UCZ@yahoo.com

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Vdey active 2 months

Did several more driving jobs in October.  Ending up with 2 trips to Columbus, OH in 2 days.  Then we hooked up and got ready to move back to Tennessee.  There were still 2 cars left in Columbus from that sale.  So we took 2 drivers there on our way.  

Rest of trip was pretty well uneventful and we spent 2 nights along the way.  We arrived at River Road RV Campground on 22 October.  Our previous space was in use, so we parked 2 spaces away.  Space fine, but both Verizon and TV signals were terrible.  I almost always lost phone calls and I have a Verizon HotSpot for Internet and that was NOT good either.  I tried to locate something online that would help Wireless signals.  Wilson makes some devices, but the price is way too high for just a few months use.  if that was a empowerment location, the investment would probably be worth it.  

We both have been busy with doctor visits.  Almost all have had good reports.  The Bone and Joint doctor said Loretta's hip replacement still looks very good.  He did say I am ready for a Knee replacement.  However as it usually doesn't give me much if any pain, that will wait.  Also the \Ophthalmologist said that my other cataract is ready for removal.  As I have lived with it for at least 12 years, decided to wait till spring for that also.  X-Rays and tests indicate results of Bladder Cancer and removal is doing fine.  I do have to see the Kidney doctor on Thursday.  Loretta also is having a recurrence of her Kidney problem which had been in remission for many years.  Hopefully medication for a month will clear that up.  She also had chest pains 2 weeks ago.  Trip to emergency room revealed no reason.  But she will need a stress test next Friday.  We did have starting problems with truck early in November.  Road service could not get it going, so ti was towed to out truck repair shop in Columbia.  We were without transportation several days.  But now it seems to be starting and running great.

Last Sunday, I got a call from my niece that my brother was in the hospital in Jamestown for emergency surgery.  The word I received later indicated that his condition was critical but hopeful.  However all attempts failed.  He passed away early Tuesday morning.  Loretta had a doctor appointment tin Columbia that day.  So after she finished there we rented a car and left truck at the rental agency.  We went home to pack and sleep.  Early Wednesday we loaded up and headed fot NY - 750 mile trip.  We arrived at the home of friends near Frewsburg at about 10PM.  We had good weather almost all the way but after getting near Jamestown, ran into snow and sloppy roads. But the rental car handled that quite well.

Thursday we woke to find it had snowed quite a lot overnight.  Tom didn't think we should attempt road conditions with the car and loaned us his 4 wheel drive truck.  Good thing, as even the expressway in Chautauqua County had NOT been plowed.  They were much better in Cattaraugus County.  We went to the funeral home in Randolph for the viewing and visit with family and friends.  We returned to Frewsburg by dark.

Friday we returned to Randolph for the funeral.  Roads were pretty good, but the Malibu was buried under snow.  And it was really good to have 4WD for the road here and the drive.  Loretta has a new great-great granddaughter.  She was only born last week and Loretta had not expected to see her till next summer.  So yesterday we went to Sherman to visit Loretta's great granddaughter and family.  And to see the newcomer.  Also good to see the other 2 kids and the parents.  Needed the 4WD again to get out of their driveway. 

We are planning on going to Wheeler Hill UMC Church near here in the morning.  Then dig the rental car out of snow.  It is supposed to warm up, but not all that much.  Plans are to get a good nights sleep and early Monday morning head back to Tennessee.  Don't have to do it in one day this time, so will see how well I hold up.  When we get back there, we have doctor visits and tests the rest of the week.  Then hopefully we will head to Florida for the winter.

Wishing all a Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year.
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta
Having trouble with gmail at this time.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Not much

Not really much new in past 2 months.  I have been doing quite a bit of driving.  One was bringing a Semi from Mercer.  A few fairly long trips including one to Indianapolis - 16 hours.  I have also been doing some exterior PM jobs on our trailer as usual minor repairs.  Our truck is now in the body shop.  I had minor damage to the fiberglass part of the bed.  They removed them and now waiting to get them painted.  They have had truck 2 weeks now, so hope to get that back soon.  Have been using our host's pickup for transportation in the meantime.   As usual, I have been assisting on some yard work here.

Loretta hasn't been up to a lot of visiting, so other than several visits to her great granddaughter and family not much.  Her family reunion was on Labor Day Sunday.  That was a very rainy day, but there was a good turnout and a good time and food was had. 

Our health has been good with mo real change since last post.  We do have appointments in Tennessee later this month.  So will be moving out in a few weeks.  Have had a lot of rainy days this year.  Finally a 10 day period of sunny weather - nice.  No real hot, humid days this year.  But things are changing.  Very windy yesterday and all night, Temperature only in the 50's and dropping.  So I guess winter is on the way.  Sure glad that we will be away from here by then.

Guess that is it for now
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta 

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Time flies

Hard to believe that it has been 2 months since last post.  I must have been kept occupied?

Health wise, I have been doing very well.  Loretta still weak and unsteady at times.  We have done some visiting but not a lot.  Loretta is happy to see her great-great grandson again.

I have been assisting with yard work for our hosts, also Tom owns a Ham Radio repeater system which I have provided some help on maintenance and repair.

I also have had several driving jobs for local dealers.  These have included many trips to auto auctions bring back vehicles from them.  Most were cars and pickups, but one was a 4 axle dump truck which did require my CDL.  I had to pass through a Department of Motor Vehicles checkpoint with that.  But no real problem there.  Last Friday I got a call from a gentleman in Hamburg, NY.  He had purchased a small 5th Wheel trailer in Jamestown.  He was waiting for hitch to be installed in his pickup but wanted the trailer at his house before then.  So I moved that to his residence and parked it in his driveway.  Loretta went along and enjoyed the ride.  Some driving trips have been delivering pickups to local rodeos and returning to dealer.  Expect that in next few days will take more back to dealership.  I have had opportunity to drive several new vehicles with less than 10 miles on odometer when I picked them up.  All nice and most very enjoyable.

We have been doing our usual shopping and also dining at our favorite restaurants. I was having a wax buildup on one ear causing hearing problems.  So last week went to clinic in Jamestown to have that removed.  Good to hear well again.  Loretta requires a blood test every few weeks.  She has that done at Warren, Pa General Hospital.  She is due another test this week.  I also require blood work for my kidney doctor at Vanderbilt University Hospital. So we will do both the same day.

Otherwise, not a lot to report.  Always like to hear from you.  Please email me.

GOD Bless
Andy & Loretta

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Now in New York

Well, we have been keeping pretty well occupied so very far behind.  

First the results on truck problems.  When I got it back, they couldn't find a cause for problem.  The only thing they did was remove main fuse at batteries and replace.  So I expect a high resistance at fuse contact.  It did act up again so I removed fuse, cleaned contacts and replaced.  No problem since, but I purchased new fuses just in case.  I also had the Air Conditioner recharged before trip north as it wasn't working well.

All of my doctor visits came out well and I was cleared to travel.  However Loretta was in a lot of pain one morning.  Doctor checked her and ordered CT Scan which left questionable results.  Another Scan revealed nothing to be concerned about at this time, but he does want a Pet Scan next fall.  When we got mail, I found that my CDL (Commercial Driver License) had been revoked due to not renewing Medical Certificate (as if I hadn't had enough to keep my mind occupied-  also should have received notice about that which I hadn't).  I was lucky to get the Medical the next day and CDL reinstated before leaving Tennessee.

We had a good trip north and have everything set up for long stay.  We haven't done any visiting and only a little shopping so far here.  I have assisted our host with several Ham Radio and WiFi challenges.  I have also helped with some yard work as I am now pretty well able to do everything.  Yesterday a gentleman from campground came and asked if I would bring a 5th Wheel trailer from Onoville to the campground for him which I did.  I understand that next weekend there will be another to move up too.  

Other than that, nothing to report.

GOD Bless
Andy & Loretta

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Back home and getting settled in

Things kept going wrong.  My laptop died - (Missing OS?).  I was unable to get it up again, so borrowed one from granddaughter.  That one was difficult to use and the internet connection at LifeCare of Columbia was not good.  So I got backed up on everything and still catching up. 

I finally got the Urostomy bag under control and came home on the 11th I think.  I had some difficulties here but have pretty well overcome them.  Of course no heavy lifting of any kind.   I was doing some local driving without difficulty and did keep one doctor appointment in Columbia OK. 

Loretta felt she could get along without any help from me Sunday.  Sharon brought her home and put her things away while we went to Sunday School.  They were sure glad to see Loretta there (I had been there the week before).   But she wasn't up to staying for the service.  So we headed home, stopping for a few groceries on the way. 

When we left the grocery store, the speedometer on the truck wasn't indicating properly.  So I stopped on the shoulder and shut it off, thinking a restart would clear the problem.  WRONG, it would try to start but not run.  So a call to the campground got Sharon to come and bring us home.  After some searching, I found the number for Road Service and got a wrecker on the way.  Pam (campground owner) took be back to meet with the driver and back here.  He took the truck to RP Williams in Columbia. 

RP called Monday morning and said he would get to the repair ASAP.  We had to go to Columbia for doctors yesterday.  Sharon and Bill came and took us and also brought the rest of our stuff from their place.  I had planned on checking on the truck while there, but was detained too long at last appointment.  But he did call later to inform me that the problem seemed to be in the wiring and he felt it was under control.  He wanted to run more checks today and said he would call.  But it is 2PM and haven't heard anything yet.  I may call him, as I so have a ride available. 

I am feeling good and walking most days - sometimes over 3 miles picking up trash along the roadway.  Still uncomfortable and occasionally some pain but very little. 

GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Now in ReHab

Well, the surgery went well on the 5th.  I understand that it took 10 hours then 2.5 in Recovery.  I wasn't in near as much pain as expected - about the same as being kicked in stomach by a large horse.  I spent 6 nights in Vanderbilt University Hospital where I received excellent care. My bladder, prostate and part of one ureter was removed.  Loretta and her daughter (a nurse) stayed in my room there.  It was a very large corner room, but I really didn't enjoy the view all that much.

 Well, it took me longer than expected to get back to this.  They keep me pretty busy with therapy, and I tire easily.  I am now at LifeCare Center of Columbia, TN.  I am doing well with the therapy and could probably go home anytime.  BUT, I now have an Ostemy bag which he nurses have been having trouble getting to stay on properly.  Part of the problem may have been the staples on the incisions which were removed last week.  This time the bag has stayed on almost a week.  However it was the last one that I had, so they cannot train me on the procedure at this time.  Well, the care is good and food excellent so not much to complain about.

Loretta has been staying with family and would like to get home.  However I am a bit concerned in case she needs assistance there which I could not provide.  Next week I have at least 3 appointments at Vanderbilt as part of follow up on surgery.  The Ostomy nurses wanted to see me last week but I didn't have transportation. Then the following week I meet with the surgeon.  Expecting good reports.

Guess that is all I know now.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Latest update

UPDATE to blog

I see an error in my last blog, the date for my surgery is next Wednesday, 5 Mar. I understand that my stay will probably include at least 1 day in ICU. However the problem with Loretta not driving seems to be moot. I have been told that she can stay in the room with me, even ICU.

Her follow up mammogram revealed no problem also. BUT, I did receive word that there was something in my lungs that was revealed on the CT Scan. A week ago yesterday, we drove to Vanderbilt where we parked in a distant lot and took Shuttle to the Cancer Center. There we looked at the CT Scan and really saw little of interest. Loretta's son-in-law Bill had done scans at Maury Regional hospital. He suggested they get them to compare. They did that and Monday got word that there was nothing new so no concern at this time. Then I received word that the Urologist wants me to see a Kidney Doctor. So tomorrow (Thursday 27) we go back for that appointment. Daughter-in-law Kathy will drive us, more as company for Loretta than parking problem.

The truck has been starting and running well since last repairs. Incidently the propane price has caught us here with last 3 purchases at about $4.00/gal. However the weather has moderated with some days in 60 and 70's so usage is down. This week we are having another cold snap, but no single digit temperatures. Also saves on electric usage.

Otherwise things are about the same. Church, shopping, dining out and some visiting. I had been neglected my daily walks but have resumed those with milder weather. I usually pick up trash along the roadway in addition to enjoying the weather, walk and scenery. Some leavs and flowers had started to come out but this cold snap will set that back.

I certainly want to give thanks for all the prayers and thoughts that have been sent our way for our health. They are appreciated.
GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Disturbing news

As I  mentioned before, surgery was scheduled for 15 January.  Dr. Chang cut some and lasered some.  He then sent samples to pathology lab.  Apparently he wasn't too happy with what he saw.  I had to see him again last Thursday in his Vanderbilt Nashville office.  Loretta's daughter Sharon drove us both time but would have been able to driven myself the last. time.  Parking would have been a challenge with the size of our truck.  

There he gave me the word that my bladder, part of ureter and perhaps prostate would have to be removed.  I had certainly hoped to be able to keep my bladder, but guess not.  As of now the surgery (7-10 hours) will be scheduled on 4 March.  Several appointments will be required in preparation.  Also a week stay in hospital afterwards.  This will be a hardship on Loretta as she doesn't drive anymore.  

She had a mammogram last Monday and last evening got the word that they want to do follow up on that too.  She will have that done next Wednesday.

Winter has been the worst in several decades here.  We have only seen a few light flurries of snow.  But some days (and nights) have been COLD.  Two nights have been down close to Zero.  Several days have not gotten up to freezing.  Really not bad compared to the north, but it feels colder here than up there.  Had hoped to spend a few months in Florida, but with everything happening, guess we will winter here.  We had sunny and pretty days except for the Nasty Cold winds.

Had trouble starting truck 3 mornings.  Our truck garage sent out road service each time - an expense that we didn't need, HI.  I did take it in to shop where new batteries and fuel controller was installed.  Total cost close to $2000.00.  Just what we needed in addition to all of the extra propane and electric needed to keep warm.  As of yesterday, propane cost about the same here - about $3.00/gal, but some areas have gone up to as much as $5.00/gal.  

We haven't been doing a lot of travelling - shopping, doctors, church, dining out some, but not much visiting.

Other than that not a lot to report.  Keep us in your prayers.

GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta
RVLoretta @gmail.com

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy New Year to all


Well not a lot of excitement here in Central Tennessee. The warm weather has pretty well left and we have had a lot of cold nights and days with frigid breezes. We did get up to 75 a few nights ago, but that was with a cold front coming with severe storms in the area. Fortunately we got only a few dead limbs down in the campground, but North – Nashville and north got lots of wind damage and some power lines down. There was some snow there also but we just saw a few flakes.

I hope everyone had a Merry CHRISTmas. We did spending the day with Loretta's daughter-in-law, her family and friends. And we want to wish you a very Happy New Year with good health.

Speaking of health, the Cystoscopy in Vanderbilt revealed another tumor in my bladder. I was given 2 choices, one was to remove the bladder and kidney. That wasn't too favorable. The other is to go back and have the tumor in the bladder removed then follow up again with BCG treatments. There will be 1 treatment each week for 6 weeks. But I can have those done by most Urololgists, so we still may be able to get to Florida later in January for a couple of months. That would certainly save us some money as in addition to campround charges, we have been using a lot of propane and additonal electric.

Other than that surgery at Vanderbilt on the 15th of January, most if not all doctor visits are behind us for this time. I try to get out each day to get Loretta moving around, so we eat out almose every day. We also have started attending a Wednesday get together at the Presbyterian Church. The have a devotion, bingo session and pot-luck luncheon. We enjoy that day and the visits there.

We are not much for sending cards. So we wish to thank all that did send cards to us. We also liked the year end letters. This is more or less out year end letter. It will be posted on my blog: RVTravel.blogspot.com You can follow us there and see previous posts.

Till next time
GOD Bless and Happy New Year

Andy and Loretta

Not the news I wanted to get

Marc and Shea Payne's new house

I went to doctor to have Stent removed.  He had gotten the Pathology reports back so I do not have to do follow up next Monday.  But what he told me wasn't at all what I was hoping for.  In addition to the tumor in the tube from the Kidney another has appeared in my Bladder.  One option is to remove both Kidney and Bladder, not really what I want to do and Major Surgery.  As of now we are planning on going back to Vanderbilt on January 15.  He will attempt removal of the Bladder cancer.  But I think the other will still be there.  Plan is to resume the BCG treatments that I had gone through before.  However he only gives that a 50% chance of being a cure.  So as of now, I will wait till then to see what happens.  

Loretta's grandson Marc has built a new house which we hadn't seen.  Thanksgiving was held there with most of the family in presence.  About 20-25, and great food, visit and tour of the house.  Most of our doctor visits are behind us now so not so many trips to Columbia.  The dermatologist found a pre-cancer on my left cheek and I go in Wednesday for treatment.   Also have appointment at bone and joint clinic for checkup.  

The weather has been up and down with some frosty mornings and day before yesterday the temperature reached about 75 degrees.  So for a couple of days I was able to do a lot of outside tasks.  BUT today it barely got to 40 with rain all night and day.  Supposed to get down to freezing again tonight and several more coming up.  In fact there is a winter storm watch in part of Tennessee today with freezing rain, sleet and perhaps some snow.  Brr - had hoped to be heading for Florida, BUT now if we even go it will not be before last part of January.  Sure would like to get to milder winter.  Also have a few little tasks to take care of on trailer and we have a great place there to do those.  

Loretta is still about the same - quite weak and a bit unsteady, but still getting around.  We try to get out to dine, shop or visit every day so she gets to move around some and socialize.  Don't expect to get out today as truck wouldn't start and now have battery charger on it.   I am supposed to get into the repair shop for checkup in near future.  So far we have kept away from truck shops most of this year.   That sure helps the budget.  

As of now I don't know what our Christmas plans will be.  Sure that we will celebrate with some of Loretta's relatives.  

Guess that is it for now.
Keep us in your prayers
Merry CHRISTmas and GOD Bless
Andy and Loretta